
Virus Visal


Virus Visal

Virus Visal was born in Tlatlauquitepec, Puebla in October 1989. Since she was a child she was interested in illustration and comics. She has participated in different anthologies such as Dirty Diamonds # 7 - Imagination, Built on Strange Ground, 4 × 4 number 3 from Resistencia Editorial and Made in Puebla, comic anthology.

His comic Congestión Emocional (Emotional Congestion) was one of the winners in Pixelatl's SecuenciArte 2018 comic book contest, and was published in April 2019 and was presented in the Conque of Querétaro.

She also publishes his weekly webcomic Melita in a coma and other various comics on social networks.


Virus Visal was one of the winners of SecuenciArte 2018, and is part of the artist's Alley, which will be installed at the Festival Fair.

  • Date / Time: Friday 6 and Saturday 7, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Place : Las Mañanitas, La Feria
  • Access : Fair, Forum and Market Passport