This year we have four types of passes. Each pass has a different price according to the activities to which they give you access.
But also, in response to the crisis resulting from COVID, we added the free Amigo Pass, which gives access to student shorts films Program during the festival and to a selection of talks and prerecorded content. We also have discounts for groups and calls that give Fan and Creator passes to those who are selected (Check Discounts
Below we briefly summarize the benefits and costs of the passes of the 2021 edition of the festival.
It gives you access to all the short film programs, as well as to some live lectures (which are normally given in the festival's Fair forum), and to pre-recorded content, the Showcases, the broadcast of the "Café con. .. ", the Networking sessions and recruitment activities.
Price: $ 250 MXN for one day | $ 800 MXN for the entire festival
It gives you access to all the activities and benefits of the Fan pass, and in addition to the Keynotes and all the Master Classes (both live activities), as well as the possibility of applying to the Café Con.. lottery (to be inside the call with the guest), and to the professional workshops*.
Price: $ 700 MXN1 day | $ 1,800 MXNs for all the festival
It gives you access to the same activities and content as the Creator pass, but additionally you will have On-Demand access to these activities until September 30.
Price: $ 2,500 MXN
It gives you access to exclusive activities with our international guests and delegates, including at least 5 business meetings (B2B) guaranteed with executives (CEO's and studio producers, as well as Vice Presidents and COO's of some of the main global Networks), and mechanisms Match Making for additional meetings. This pass also includes access to all the activities and benefits of all the previous passes. The number of this pass is limited and closes on August 12.
Price: $ 400 USD