
Ce magnifique gâteau!


Ce magnifique gâteau!

This Magnificent Cake!

Marc James Roels, Emma De Swaef | Belgium, France, Netherlands, 2018 | 45 minutos

This Magnificent Cake! is an stop motion 5-chapter film, set in colonial Africa around 1886, telling the stories of five different characters: a troubled king, a middle-aged pygmy, a failed businessman, a porter, and a young army deserter. This “anthology” tests the physical limits of short film.

About the Directors:

Marc James Roels is a live-action director, Emma De Swaef specializes in stop-motion and doll-making. Together they made the short film Oh Willy… in 2012, a stop-motion short that won 80 international awards including the Cartoon d'Or for Best European Short, and a César nomination. This Magnificent Cake! is a new stop motion animation by this Belgium-based filmmakers.